Challenging assumptions – poverty or vulnerablility? Part 2

In my last blog I introduced the fact that during the pandemic we have seen a dangerous narrative beginning to emerge.  A conflation between poverty and vulnerability.  In this second part I explore this in more depth. Firstly, we must understand what we mean when we say vulnerable.  Not what the DFE considers a vulnerabilityContinue reading “Challenging assumptions – poverty or vulnerablility? Part 2”

Challenging assumptions – poverty or vulnerability? Part 1

In my setting we have a strong focus on our values (I know everyone says that).  We aren’t there yet, but we strive to live our values in every single interaction we have.  This has involved a clear strategy to avoid ruinous empathy (Scott) and operate in the arena where, as leaders of all levels,Continue reading “Challenging assumptions – poverty or vulnerability? Part 1”

Giving children a voice in the post pandemic world Part 1

“Staying quiet to keep the peace can be a good thing, but if the peace has already been disturbed, staying quiet won’t make anything better. Summon your courage and speak up.” Doe Zantamanta It might seem counter intuitive to write a think piece about giving children a voice without representing their actual voices – however,Continue reading “Giving children a voice in the post pandemic world Part 1”

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